I3D Platform

Achieve seamless asset lifecycle
data management with I3D PLATFORM.

About I3D Platform

What's I3D? It stands for Intelligent 3D, a platform
that smartly integrates data in a 3D environment.
I3D Platform consists of following four product lineup.

  • I3DPCM(Plant Configuration Management) for configuration management of nuclear power plants
  • I3DCON(Construction), for systematic construction management
  • I3DONM(Operation & Management), for supporting operational efficiency
  • I3DDEC(Decommissioning), for optimizing decommissioning of nuclear power plants

"Realize Integrated Lifecycle Data Management by adopting our Smart I3D Platform Products."

Product Benefits

  • 개요 아이콘
    Intuitive Work Environment
    Perform tasks intuitively in a 3D environment
  • 개요 아이콘
    Integrated Data Management
    Realize one-source data management by interfacing data.
  • 개요 아이콘
    Data-Driven Decisions
    Make swift and accurate decisions based on integrated data.
  • 개요 아이콘
    Efficient Work Process
    Improve work convenience through web and digital tools.
  • 개요 아이콘
    Digital Capability Elevation
    Staying ahead with 4th industrial tech and innovate work process.
  • 개요 아이콘
    Establishment of Big Data Foundation
    Accumulate and analyze the data for a future automation.
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