3D Viewer
Check out which 3D Viewers are used for our products.
Intelli 3D Web Viewer
Product Overview
Intelli 3D Web Viewer is a system that visualizes large-scale
3D model data at high speed in a web environment,
allowing easy access to every information related to specific
3D models that user selects.
Leveraging this, we have supplied it to Korean Hydro & Nuclear
Power and the five major power generation companies,
as well as EPC companies, for applications such as 3D model-
based data integration and operation management systems,
and point cloud-based construction performance reading
We are actively pursuing the development of 3D-based
construction and operation stage systems as a core business.

Web/CS based 3D Solution
Support for Multi-vendor CAD
Ability to Handle Large 3D CAD Models
High Visualization Performance

Easily Interfaced with Engineering Data and 3D Models
Easily Interfaced with Operational Data and 3D Models
(OSIsoft, PI, Relational databases
[JDBC, ODBC, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, SAP, etc.]) -
Easy Interface with Siemens Solutions
(Comos DDMS & MRO, SIMIT, PCS7,Simatic Process Historian, etc.) -
Easy Interface with various 2D/3D Data
(Panorama, point cloud data, and documents, etc.)
Unity Engine is a powerful cross-platform game development
tool. It enables developers to create interactive 2D and 3D
experiences for various platforms like PC, mobile, and consoles.
Youl Systems promptly recognized its interactive capabilities,
and actively engaged in the development of AR·VR·MR systems
to offer immersive and effective education of field workers.
Main solutions using unity engine would be as follows : 3D
based Integrated Management Solution, AR·VR·MR systems for
disassembly/assembly simulation, system principle simulation and
safety training systems, etc.

Web/CS based 3D Solution
Support for Multi-vendor CAD
Cross Platform Development
(iOS,Android,Mac,Windows,etc.) -
Interface with Deverse Interface Devices
(HMD Vive,Hololens,PC,Mobile,Tablet,etc.)

Diverse Plugin and
Asset Stores -
Diverse AR·VR·MR solutions
using simulation feature -
Easy data interface
with 3D models -
Easy Interface with
Various 2D/3D Data
(Panorama, point cloud data, and documents, etc.)
Key Features
This solution is suitable for client
who has following requirements.
[Support for Multi-vendor CAD]
(.dgn, .e3d, .s3d, .psds, .pds, .dwf, .obj etc) -
[Handling of Large CAD Models]
Running a complete unit nuclear power plant model on web -
[Offering a Multi-user Environment]
Supporting 100+ concurrent access on web for collaboration -
[Compatibility with CS/Web Version]
Tailoring systems to meet customer requirements -
[Easy Interface with Legacy Systems & Data]
Easily interfaced with ERP, SAP, and other legacy systems -
[Extensive API Support]
Continuous API development services for enhancing features
[Multi-device Support]
Capable of providing effective education through integration
with various experiential/sensory devices and contents. -
[Effective & Realistic Education]
Capable of providing detailed training content based
on scenario-driven real work procedures. -
[Elevating User Experience]
Maximizing interactivity and dynamism through
the utilization of Unity Graphics and animations. -
[Fast Prototyping]
Accelerate development time with intuitive interface, powerful editor utilization, and prototyping.
Experience Top-notch
Digital Twin-based
Asset Lifecycle Management
Experience Top-notch Digital Twin-based Asset Lifecycle Management